- 09 Jul 2018
The workplace is no longer defined as a physical location, with the constant technological and communication advancements as well as economic pressures and challenges, the workplace is becoming a more abstract concept, defined by the outcome of the business rather than where is performed.
More businesses are understanding the changing needs of their employees and the new generations’ way of doing things by making changes in how they manage performance and productivity. There is no one right way to create flexibility in your business, organizations are constantly grasping the different circumstances of their employees and giving them the work structure that best fits their lifestyles.
The Best Benefits
A 2008 survey by Randstat2 found that flexible work hours are among the top benefits employees identify as contributing to “happiness at the workplace”, together with more paid time off, competitive pay and health insurance.
Anytime.. Anywhere..
With continuous technological developments in information and communication technology (ICT), many employees are able to work on their own time, remotely or from the office. This trend in organizations has significant implications for the work lives for individuals and teams and for organizational effectiveness.
It's all Virtual
More studies have shown that well-managed, widely-spread, virtual teams have been outperforming those that share office space while increasing employee productivity up to 43%. By “flexible working arrangements’ we mean employees who, to some extent, work in different locations or non-traditional working hours.
Means that employees can vary their start and finish times provided a certain number of hours are performed. The number of hours may be set weekly or monthly and core working hours, such as 10.00am to 4.00pm may be set to ensure minimum required common hours between employees.
Part-time or Reduced hours
The working arrangement where the employee works fewer hours than a full time worker who usually works 35 hours or more a week. This arrangement is usually based on outcomes and achievement rather than the number of working hours.
Term-time Working
Term-time working is designed primarily to help parents with young children work only when their children are at school. This means that term-time employees will have around 13 weeks off per year. Term-time only contracts are available most often in the education sector, but there is no reason why other industries cannot offer term-time working if they want to, particularly those which supply or work with education establishments.
Home-working is when an employee works from home for one or more organizations. The work carried out is usually the kind that is done in an office. The search for a better work–life balance, rising property and transport costs and the availability of new information and communication technologies all contribute towards the continuing upward trend in working from home.
Job Sharing
Job sharing is a type of flexible work arrangement in which two people work part-time schedules to complete the work one person would do in a single full-time job. It be appealing for workers who are looking to reduce their hours to provide care for someone at home, or who are simply looking for a lighter workload without quitting altogether. This arrangement can also help employers retain experienced workers who are looking for greater work-life balance. Job sharing can also decrease benefits costs for employers, depending on their benefits policies.
Compressed Hours
A compressed work schedule allows an employee to work a traditional 35-40 hour workweek in less than the traditional number of workdays. Many compressed work schedule options may be negotiated. For example, a full-time employee scheduled for 40 hours per week could work four 10-hour days instead of five 8-hour days.
Family Leave Programs
These programs allow employees to get paid or unpaid leave to attend to personal or family responsibilities usually for a temporary period. It now available in almost all countries as a legal right with more consideration for gender equality as well as incentives.